Sunday, September 9, 2012

Writing a Summary

In writing a Summary there are many steps to take into consideration to make sure that you are including the appropriate information and documentation for the appropriate sited material. The main piece that brings the summary together is the thesis. In the thesis the main thoughts that you want the reader to read will be included in the thesis. The first important step in writing a summary is to carefully read over the material. It is also a good idea to read the information presented more than once. Information that has assisted in my Summary writing has been the note taking process. The note taking process is called making marginal notes. The next important step is to use attributive tags. The attributive tags make sure that they remind the reader on who the write has quoted or summarized. The best summaries are short summaries. It is important to keep a summary focused on a main idea or point that I want to summarize. In conclusion, as the final step in writing papers, letters, and other written or typed methods of communication always remember to check the punctuation, spelling, and grammar.

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